Witziges Codewort

The minimum hamming distance of a linear block code is equal to the minimum hamming weight among its non zero codewords.
Witziges codewort. Learn the translation for codewort in leo s english german dictionary. With noun verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer. The official report said the diplomats had a frank and serious discussion code words for angry argument. Translation for codewort in the free german english dictionary and many other english translations. Esp in military use a word used to identify a classified plan operation etc meaning pronunciation translations and examples. The following useful theorem means that only the 2 k valid codewords themselves need to be checked. Codeword definition code name.
Codewords are crossword puzzles with a twist there are no clues. Geburtstages vom ober government förster g mario niederhuber hat sich seine freakshow ganz was besonderes einfallen lassen. Codeword puzzles to keep you busy during coffee break. This free version has 47 complete puzzles all features enabled. Eine unscheinbare zahl die für stoner auf der ganzen welt eine ganz besondere bedeutung hat. Für manche ist sie ein geheimes codewort ein witziges filmzitat ein verrückter mythos oder. Determining the minimum distance of a code by comparing every pair of codewords would be time consuming for large codeword lengths.
It implies a cooperation between two fields of competences and two personalities. Since our launch in 2017 we have been flooded with stories of customers meeting new friends and even future spouses because they were wearing our conversation starter of a cap.